What Causes Myopia in the Eye? (Nearsightedness) 

Image representing Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, offering myopia management.

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, affects millions worldwide, causing distant objects to appear blurry while close objects remain clear. This refractive error occurs when light rays focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it, often due to an elongated eyeball or an overly curved cornea. Nearsightedness typically develops during childhood and can progress through the school years, with symptoms including blurry distance vision, headaches, and eye strain. Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, offers comprehensive eye exams and various myopia management options, including eyeglasses and contact lenses, to help patients achieve clear vision.

Myopia: At a Glance

  • Myopia occurs when the eye focuses light in front of the retina, making distant objects appear blurry.

  • Frequent visual stress, genetics, and environmental factors contribute to the development of myopia.

  • Myopia symptoms include blurred distance vision, headaches, eye strain, and squinting.

  • Types of myopia include simple myopia (school myopia) and high myopia, which can progress with age.

  • Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, offers comprehensive myopia management, including eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, affects millions worldwide, impacting their ability to see distant objects clearly. Various factors contribute to the development of myopia in the eye, including genetics, environmental influences, and visual habits. At Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, our experienced optometrists provide comprehensive eye exams to diagnose and manage myopia.

What Causes Myopia?

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of myopia.

Frequent Visual Stress

Image representing visual stress, such as strenuous reading or prolonged screen time.

One such factor is frequent visual stress. Reading for extended periods or prolonged use of screens, like computers or smartphones, can lead to visual stress. This continuous strain can affect the eye, causing it to elongate. The elongation of the eye changes the way it focuses light on the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. When the eye is elongated, light rays that enter the eye aren't focused correctly. Instead of converging on the retina, they focus in front of it. This improper focusing of light rays leads to blurry distance vision, a key symptom of myopia.

Health Conditions

Image representing health conditions that may affect the development of myopia.

Certain health conditions can also contribute to the development of myopia. For instance, diabetes is associated with changes in the eye that can affect vision, including the development of myopia. Other conditions, like cataracts, can cause the eye’s natural lens to become clouded, altering how light is focused on the retina.

Individuals with a family history of myopia are also at a higher risk of developing the condition. Genetic predispositions combined with environmental factors can significantly impact the likelihood of developing myopia.

Screen Time and Indoor Activities

Image representing screen time and indoor activities that may result in myopia.

In addition to screen time, activities are increasingly recognized as significant contributors to the rising incidence of myopia, especially among school-aged children. Spending long hours engaging in close-up tasks without adequate breaks can strain the eyes and contribute to the elongation of the eyeball.

Additionally, reduced exposure to natural light and outdoor activities has been linked to a higher risk of developing myopia. Encouraging children to spend more time outdoors and reducing screen time can be effective strategies to prevent the onset or progression of myopia.

At Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, our experienced optometrists provide comprehensive eye exams to diagnose and manage myopia effectively. Regular vision screenings are essential for early detection and timely intervention, helping to maintain clear vision and reduce the risk of developing severe myopia.

Contact us today to schedule an eye exam.

Common Symptoms of Myopia

Image signifying common symptoms of myophia, like blurred vision when looking at a distance.

Nearsighted individuals often experience symptoms that impact daily life. The primary symptom is blurry vision when looking at distant objects—seeing road signs, televisions, or classroom boards becomes challenging. Close objects typically remain clear.

Other common symptoms include squinting to improve focus, frequent headaches, and eye strain after prolonged visual tasks. Myopia might also cause fatigue from activities requiring distance vision, such as driving or playing sports.

Types of Myopia

Image representing a patient at an optometry having a vision screening for a type of myopia.

Simple or School Myopia

Simple or school myopia is common in school-aged children. Symptoms include eye strain, difficulty seeing distant objects, and the need for glasses or contact lenses. School performance may also decline if the student can't see the board well. Regular vision screenings are essential for early diagnosis and correction.

High Myopia

High myopia is a severe form of nearsightedness where the eye grows longer, causing light rays to focus far in front of the retina. This condition requires stronger corrective lenses and increases the risk of complications like retinal detachment and degenerative myopia. Refractive surgery may be considered for vision correction.

Degenerative Myopia

Degenerative myopia, or pathologic myopia, begins in childhood and progressively worsens, leading to significant vision problems and structural changes in the eye. Individuals with this condition are at higher risk for retinal detachment and macular degeneration. Treatment may involve specialized corrective lenses, eye drops, and refractive surgery.

Benefits of Myopia Management

Effective myopia management offers numerous benefits, particularly for those experiencing blurry vision and other nearsightedness symptoms.

At Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, our comprehensive approach makes sure that our patients can enjoy clear vision and better overall eye health. Here are some key benefits of managing myopia:

  • Improved Distance Vision: Corrective lenses, whether glasses or contact lenses, help focus light correctly on the retina, providing sharp vision for distant objects.

  • Reduced Risk of Eye Diseases: Managing myopia can lower the risk of developing severe conditions such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts, especially for those with high myopia.

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Clear vision improves daily activities, from reading road signs to enjoying outdoor sports, reducing the limitations caused by poor vision.

  • Stabilization of Myopia Progression: Regular vision screenings and appropriate myopia treatment can help prevent the progression of nearsightedness, particularly in children and young adults.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Our experienced optometrists offer tailored solutions, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, and vision therapy, to meet individual needs and lifestyle preferences.

Myopia Management: Find Your Location

An image of the Metropolitan Optometry practice.

At Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, we offer comprehensive myopia management services. Our experienced optometrists provide personalized treatment plans, including eyeglasses and contact lenses, to effectively manage myopia and maintain optimal eye health.

Our team is committed to providing you with the best care possible, ensuring clear vision and healthy eyes for years to come. We understand that cost can be a concern, but investing in myopia management now may lead to long-term savings. Early intervention can help prevent the progression of nearsightedness and reduce the risk of developing more severe eye conditions in the future.

Investing in myopia management today can lead to long-term benefits, making sure you maintain optimal eye health and clear vision. Contact Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, at 626-839-0908 to schedule your comprehensive eye exam and explore our myopia management options.

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Myopia Causes FAQ

  • Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved. This abnormal shape prevents light entering the eye from focusing correctly on the retina, making distant objects appear blurred. Most individuals find that regular eye exams and appropriate corrective lenses help manage this condition effectively.

  • Excessive use of digital screens is linked to the development of myopia in children and teenagers. Prolonged screen time can also lead to dry eye syndrome, digital eyestrain, and poor head and neck postures, which can cause discomfort and pain.

  • Myopia tends to worsen in children as they grow older. Frequent visual stress from focusing on nearby objects, spending most or all of the time indoors, and certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can contribute to the progression of myopia. Myopia typically progresses during childhood and adolescence, often stabilizing around age 20-30. Factors may include genetics, visual stress, reduced time indoors, and some medical conditions.


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