Step-by-Step: How to Prevent Eye Dryness

Featured image showing how to prevent eye dryness in Rowland Heights, CA.

Preventing eye dryness is vital for maintaining excellent eye health, and Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, offers expert guidance on this topic. To combat dry eyes, it's essential to avoid air blowing directly into your eyes, wear protective eyewear, and take regular breaks during long tasks, especially when using screens. The post also recommends using artificial tears and positioning your computer screen below eye level to reduce strain. For residents of Rowland Heights and surrounding areas dealing with persistent dry eye symptoms, Metropolitan Optometry provides professional treatments and personalized care to address this common condition.

Important Recommendations

  • Eye dryness occurs when tears are insufficient or evaporate too quickly, causing discomfort and irritation.

  • Common causes include environmental factors, prolonged screen time, and certain medications.

  • Prevention methods include staying hydrated, using a humidifier, and following the 20/20/20 rule for screen breaks.

  • Over-the-counter eye drops may not address underlying causes, and professional treatment may be necessary.

  • Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, offers comprehensive dry eye treatments and personalized care.

Dry eyes can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition.

Understanding how to prevent eye dryness is essential for maintaining excellent eye health. This guide will provide practical steps to keep your eyes moist and comfortable. At Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, we're committed to helping you achieve and maintain healthy eyes.

What Is Eye Dryness?

Dry eye, or eye dryness, is a common condition that arises when your eyes are not able to produce an adequate quantity of tears to stay moist. This could be due to inadequate tear production by the tear glands or the rapid evaporation of tears from the eye's surface. In addition, it can also occur when the quality of the tears produced is not sufficient to keep the eyes lubricated, leading to tear instability.

In some instances, even if the tear glands produce tears, the composition may not be correct. The tears are composed of three layers: oily, watery, and mucus, and any imbalance in these layers can lead to dry eyes.

Common Causes of Eye Dryness

An image of someone experiencing dry eye due to common causes.

Environmental Factors

Exposure to dry air, air conditioning, and secondhand smoke can cause tears to evaporate quickly, leading to dry eyes.

Lifestyle Factors

Prolonged screen time, insufficient blinking, and contact lens use can contribute to dry eye symptoms. It’s important to take regular breaks and maintain proper eyelid hygiene.

Health Conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, and diabetes, can affect tear production and tear quality, causing dry eyes. In addition, some prescription medicines can reduce tear production.

Dry Eye Symptoms

Symptoms of dry eye can involve a dry, gritty, or burning feeling in the eyes, redness, excessive tearing, and mucus that may cause the eyes to feel stuck together upon waking. Additional symptoms can include itching and sensitivity to light.

How to Prevent Dry Eyes

An image of someone experiencing relief from dry eyes by following the provided tips.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help maintain the moisture balance in your eyes. Dehydration can reduce tear production, making your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable.

Use a Humidifier

Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can prevent tears from evaporating too quickly. This is particularly useful in dry or air-conditioned environments, which can exacerbate dry eye symptoms.

Follow the 20/20/20 Rule

To reduce eye strain and prevent dry eyes, take regular breaks during prolonged screen use. Follow the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Wear Protective Eyewear

Consider wearing wraparound sunglasses or other protective eyewear to shield your eyes from wind, dry air, and debris.

Limit Screen Time

Prolonged screen time can lead to decreased blinking, which can dry out your eyes. Limit your screen time and take frequent breaks to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.

Maintain Proper Eyelid Hygiene

Gently clean your eyelids with mild soap or baby shampoo to remove any debris that could block the oil glands.

Adjust Your Diet

Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into your diet to improve tear production and reduce dry eye symptoms.

Avoid Smoking

Avoid cigarette smoke and secondhand smoke, as they can worsen dry eye symptoms. Smoking can reduce tear production and irritate the eye's surface, leading to increased dryness.

Buying OTC Drops May Not Work: Here's Why

An image of someone buying over the counter (OTC) eye drops.

Over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops might not always be effective for everyone experiencing dry eyes. The main reason is that dry eye is a multifaceted condition, and OTC drops may not address the specific underlying cause of your symptoms.

For instance, if your dry eyes are due to tear evaporation, you might need artificial tears or lubricant eye drops rather than red eye relief drops. In addition, OTC drops may not be suitable if you have specific medical conditions like meibomian gland dysfunction or Sjogren's syndrome.

Consulting with an eye doctor is essential for identifying the underlying cause and receiving a tailored treatment plan.

When to See an Optometrist

If over-the-counter lubricant eye drops don't resolve your dry eye symptoms, it's essential to consult an eye doctor. At Metropolitan Optometry in Rowland Heights, CA, our experienced optometrists offer a variety of treatments tailored to your needs. Early intervention can prevent symptoms from worsening and address underlying causes effectively. Contact us to schedule a comprehensive eye exam.

Metropolitan Optometry: Professional Treatments for Dry Eyes Near You

A picture inviting readers to get an eye exam from Metropolitan Optometry if they are experiencing dry eyes.

At Metropolitan Optometry, we provide a comprehensive range of professional treatments for dry eyes.

Don't let dry eye symptoms interfere with your daily life.

Contact Metropolitan Optometry at 626-839-0908 or visit our website to schedule an appointment and find relief from dry eyes.

Dry Eye Help: Find Your Location

If you're experiencing persistent dry eye symptoms around any of the following locations, please contact us so we can help:

Dry Eye Prevention FAQs

  • To prevent eye dryness, it's essential to avoid air blowing directly into your eyes, which can dry out your tears. Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can also help maintain eye hydration. Wearing wraparound sunglasses or other protective eyewear shields your eyes from wind and dry air. In addition, using artificial tears regularly can keep your eyes lubricated. Most people find that these steps significantly reduce their dry eye symptoms.

  • Dry eye is a chronic condition, which means it doesn't have a permanent cure. However, various treatments can help manage and alleviate the symptoms. You might have to experiment with various treatments to discover the one that suits you best. Most patients report finding relief with a consistent and tailored treatment plan.

  • Metropolitan Optometry provides comprehensive dry eye treatments at its main location at 1380 Fullerton Road, Suite 103, in Rowland Heights, CA. Please call ​626-839-0908 or contact us here.


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